
dimecres, 7 de novembre del 2012

American Presidential Election

Després d'entrevistar al President dels Republicans (Jeremy Jang) i dels Demòcrates de UCI (Jose Quintana), ha arribat el dia de votar. Seguiu la cobertura informativa de les Eleccions Presidencials Americanes d'Adria's News per no perdreu's cap detall de la cursa a la Casa Blanca. També podeu escoltar l'especial radiofònic de tres hores de Ràdio Premià de Mar, on Adria's News actua com a corresponsal als Estats Units. 

dilluns, 5 de novembre del 2012

Jose Quintana: “If the American Dream used to be a mile, now it’s a mile and a half”

If you want to read the interview with the President of College Republicans at UCI, Jeremy Jang, click here.

Jose Quintana is just 24 years old but he is already very involved in politics. In fact, apart from being a Senior Political Sciences and Sociology Majors, he’s the President of the College Democrats at University of California Irvine and was the one who opened the Bill Clinton meeting at UCI. Just a few days before the American Presidential Elections, Adria’s News interviews him to talk about the main campaign issues, some controversial facts and the expectations of both Republican and Democratic parties finding out that Jose Quintana supports Barack Obama from the very beginning, he really likes the Castro Brothers and his favorite President is Franklin D. Roosevelt. In addition, when he is asked if he can imagine himself ending up in the White House he answers with a clever smile: “I don’t know, maybe, depends if I end up becoming a politician, and if I do, how far do I want to go, and how much time and effort do I wanna invest in my political career”.

diumenge, 4 de novembre del 2012

Jeremy Jang: “America really doesn’t like losers”

If you want to read the interview with the President of College Democrats at UCI, Jose Quintana, click here.

Jeremy Jang is just 20 years old but he is already very involved in politics. In fact, apart from being a Junior Political Sciences and Criminology Major, he’s the President of the College Republicans at University of California Irvine. Just a few days before the American Presidential Election, Adria’s News interviews him to talk about the main campaign issues, some controversial facts and the expectations of both Republican and Democratic parties finding out that Jeremy Jang supports the Tea Party movement, he really likes Marco Rubio and his favorite President is George Washington. In addition, when he is asked if he can imagine himself ending up in the White House he answers with a clever smile: “It’s possible, but it probably won’t happen”.